Addition of function process_sisma_export which automatically detects SISMA export type passed in by user
Addition of helper function clean_sisma_df to clean SISMA dataframes passed in by process_sisma_export
Addition of utility setup_sisma_folder to create a folder structure for data processing
Addition of example data for unit testing and for sandbox use
Internalize parsing data
sismar 0.4.0
Translation of pkgdown site to Portuguese.
sismar 0.3.1
Fix to AHD (DAH) feature engineering for age_coarse.
sismar 0.3.0
Redesign of AHD (DAH) feature engineering for pregnant women (MG). This population disaggregation is now removed from indicator names and is encoded in the disaggregate variable.
sismar 0.2.0
Addition of data to engineer features for Family Planning data elements from the 1) Integrated Family Planning Summary, 2) the SAAJ Summary, and 3) the APE Summary.
parse_sisma_smi_pf_int has been incorporated and parse_sisma_csv modified to feature engineer above Family Planning data elements.
sismar 0.1.0
Prior to version 0.1.0, updates were not captured.